Sunday, April 3, 2011


It's time to start writing with prompts! I've liked the '30 Days' thing people are doing, so here goes:

  • A picture of yourself with 10 facts
  • A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
  • A picture of the cast from your favorite show
  • A picture of your favorite night
  • A picture of your favorite memory
  • A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
  • A picture of your most treasured item
  • A picture that makes you laugh
  • A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
  • A picture of the person you do the most crazy things with
  • A picture of something you hate
  • A picture of something you love
  • A picture of your favorite band or artist
  • A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
  • A picture of something you want to do before you die
  • A picture of someone who inspires you
  • A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
  • A picture of your biggest insecurity
  • A picture and a letter
  • A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
  • A picture of something you wish you could forget
  • A picture of something you wish you were better at
  • A picture of your favorite book
  • A picture of something you wish you could change
  • A picture of your favorite day
  • A picture of something that means a lot to you
  • A picture of yourself and a family member
  • A picture of something you're afraid of
  • A picture that can always make you smile
  • A picture of someone you miss
  • And that, friends, is what I'll be writing about : ) yay, so excited!!!

    1. A picture of yourself with 10 facts

    So this is me, Emily, Skeba, Nika, the nicknames go on....
    1. I am left handed, and my birthday is November 1st.... Funny thing is, same goes for my grandpa and two cousins on my mom's side. Kinda weird...

    2. I have a BIG sweet tooth. Peanut butter + chocolate is the equivalent of candy heaven to me : )

    3. I hate it when people's wrists touch... Or knuckles pop. Gives me the squeemish heebie jeebies.

    4. I have been in a wide spread of schools over my childhood: homeschooled for pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade, private school for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, public downtown- Portland school for 5th grade, suburban Tigard school for middle and high school.

    5. I love to garden. Something about getting that close to the ground reminds me of who made it, and how He makes such beautiful and substantial things out of dust. Plus I love gardening gloves : )

    6. I work in a fabric shop and befriend old ladies who like to share about their busy-work projects.
    Seriously, these ladies (most of the time) are so incredibly sweet. If not for this job, I would see the elderly in a much less brighter light. They can be grouchy, proud, impatient, and downright rude at times, but theses things and those who extend a courteous kindness in their wisdom inspire me to never really "grow old".

    7. I have always wanted to be a missionary. A family who my parents have known since I was in grade school went onto the missions field for a long while, and the whole process they went through fascinated me. It got me thinking and reading into the ministry to see how I could travel, learn, and share with others the message of Christ along with a trade to teach people of another culture. I still want to do this; it all comes down to deciding on a trade I can take along....

    8. CAT lover. Dogs are great, too- But there's nothing like having a feline curl up in your lap--- They're like warm, fuzzy, purring heaters you can take with you wherever you go... And they don't need to be let out! haha

    9. I discovered how much I love sociology this last term. Social work or teaching, in any way or form, could be a very possible career in my future. I find so much value in working directly with people.

    10. Cooking is a new hobby of mine. Can't wait to have a better budget and future friends and family to bless with recipes I dream of making from watching the Food Network or reading in Cooking Light! Love how nutrition can be an art form.

    That's all for now- Looks like it's a gorgeous day outside... Most definitely a Sunday, and the first real day that's looked like spring! Thank you, Lord for the promise of new life that's beginning to spring out.

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