Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Good morning, my Lord- Glory, it is a busy day...

There is so much to accomplish in these next few months, I just know the tide is going to pull me in and under if I'm not riding it completely with you. Diligence is part of the ride, but also a yearning to follow commands of a God who knows my heart and passions.

Help me to control impulses to make decisions I'm not yet ready for, to take rest more often than not, and to know my limits-- When should I bring hardships and worries to you? Certainly before talking with friends and families- You understand those best and are the only one with power to move in them as I turn them over to you.

For now, no more dreaming of future possibilities, future friends, someones, careers, colleges....
You have a place ready and waiting for me that I'll enter when it's time; Now is the time to seek you in the decision making- Where I will classify my values from passion to logic, and ask for your kingdom to come in whatever way suits my situation best.

Guard and protect my heart and mind from the evil one- He has traps set in place for me-- I have been ensnared, more than once, in these whirl-wind patterns of relying on MY knowledge, allowing daydreams, and being too afraid to make the most beneficial, wise choice I can.

My eyes are ever fixed on the prize; I await the day where I can serve you in a way most fitting for my passions and abilities. Keep me focused and aware of the place where I'm at, but ready to pounce at a moments notice for when fitting opportunities arise. I trust that You know what you're doing, and I'll continue to move forward as you lead me through what, for now, seems clouded and unsure. My eyes mean nothing without a journey to what they will feast upon.

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