Monday, May 23, 2011

In Bend

Okay, it's one of those times where I don't WANT to write, but there's so much to document and be thankful about that if I don't update things, I'll feel like I'm missing a puzzle piece to this blog when I return and see it isn't there. So....

Held a small going away party for those wishing to see me off. It was such a sweet time to look back, bask in memories while catching up with friends and family on present happenings and future hopes, opportunities, and prayers. It was the fellowship that I needed over these last two years that proved my leaving was for an important cause.

Said goodbyes, including an especially hard one to a rather close friend who has been so dear to me for the last two years-- Then, staying up way too late, packed up stuff. Woke in the morning to pack MORE stuff, packed up the car myself (with not too much stuff, I might add- Thought I did rather well for my first time moving out), and the parents, Shan and I left for Bend around noon.

I drove a good 3/4 of the way there, feeling like every mile towards Bend was developing a newness and fresh perspective on things. I could hardly believe at points that I was physically here- This moment had come, things arranged and prepared, and I was finally DOING it.

Arrived at the Capells home- These are my dear cousins Heather and Zach, with their kids Megan (6), Noah, and Lauren (twins, 2). They, being the generous and compassionate people that they are, were willing to let me stay in the spare bedroom of their lovely house, free of charge, and insistent on feeding me. While I felt the impulse to insist upon paying rent or helping out with the weekly grocery bill, I felt peace about the set up and knew I would have opportunities to pay them back in various ways, if not in funds.

My parents left Sunday after church at Antioch (which was so settling, by the way- I really feel the combination of being at home yet challenged there- exactly what I felt at the justice conference/ my visit to Bend in February). This was less difficult than I thought it would be- There were fewer tears than anticipated, less emotions of anxiousness and fear, and near to no worries of whether or not I was doing the right thing.

Things I had been struggling with for months at home in Tigard seemed to melt away- or if they lingered at all in the back of my mind, I could tell a difference of my surrendering them to God in this place- The Holy Spirit is alive and kicking in this new home of mine, no doubt about it.

The kids are a blast to be with- I'm already learning so much about their tendencies as individuals and children, Heather's loving but firm mothering qualities, and everyone's tenderness. Parts of me are starting to thaw and become sensitive again.. This is a large part of why I wanted to leave, be here, and embark on this summer journey.

Bend is beautiful. Seriously breathtaking. And while others might question just what is so special about a place not lush like North Oregon, or consistently hot like Southern states, or insist that people say this because of the wide span of outdoor activities, tourist attractions, and killer restaurants, I believe it to be so because of the desert-like makeup with warm hearted and intentional people and purposes. More on that as I meet and come in contact with more of them....

I feel blessed to be living simply here- My room is the perfect size, with just the amount of things I need in it to do well and need to buy little.

Today I checked in with the Joanns location over here to see if I could 'transfer' to work there in late August, (to which the manager gave a thumbs up!), and Heather is taking me out driving to get used to the whereabouts of everything in town. Tomorrow I go to check out the community college and OSU cascades... Keeping busy until the internship officially starts next Monday : )

I'll put pictures up soon-- Blessings, Emily

1 comment:

  1. aww I just love the way you write. It sounds like everything is just going so perfectly. Praise God!I'm happy that it was easier for you to do and less difficult and sad than you thought it would be. I didn't know there was a possibility you could work for Joanns there! That is such a blessing. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures :-) love and miss you!
