I was listening to a podcast from Grace Chapel this morning (man, do they ever challenge me to stretch and grow!) And Jon Furman spoke about Jeremiah. There was a specific section on the message that really resonated with me- The passage I often look to for simple reassurance and security has so much more to offer when you look at it's meaning through a different lens.
Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
From the message: "Everything that is in your life is there for a reason- They connect to other things, and weave into the story God is telling, and it's OUR JOB to dream a BIGGER dream than what we have settled for.
Some of you,you've stood upon God's promises, you've lived it and are trying your best, and it hasn't paid off yet. I'm here to tell you that it's not because God doesn't care for you or because He isn't paying attention; it's because the TIME ISN'T RIGHT YET.
You've been doing the hard work, sacrificing, and you've been making the choices you need to make- God IS GOING to meet you in that.... Just at the RIGHT TIME. So, do not give up.
Some of you are around people who have given up/let go of a dream/become numb due to past experiences, etc. but most have fallen short because THEIR DREAMS for themselves were TOO SMALL. In the passage from Jeremiah, the word 'plans' can be directly translated into DREAMS. Therefore,I encourage you to get to the point DAILY in which, as you surrender yourself to His deeds, you grow entirely accustomed to living and a breathing a GROWING dream; the branches God uses are always being pruned little by little, watered drip by drip, and with an interested and open mind, God CAN and WILL use you for things beyond your WILDEST DREAMS."
----- While this school year has been the hardest, most draining and painful experience I have ever endured on my own, I recognize that God has been doing SO MUCH in the development of my own dreams. This year, I have come to see myself as an ambassador: I represent the works God has done, is doing, and will do: To partake in this forever-happening story is truly the one and only adventure of our lifetime.
I have had to lean on God for his COMPLETE PEACE- Something I could never gain on my own, but am in need of every day.
And foremost, God has been broadening my views of what I could do with my life by searching career choices. Lord, you are amazingly thoughtful to have created so many different choices and combinations of area to devote my time to--- As always, I give my life over to you as I dig up information to decide alongside your ultimate will which 'package' will bring you glory.
He's given me an amazing and new way to view people-- Being at community college all day, I get to see many different types of people passing by, observe social concepts and learn about God's expanding culture through the most bizarre and unique occurrences. He's given me a daily form of a science lab-- For me to use in my Sociology class (ha! Pretty handy!) and for my interests.
When I came to school this last fall, it didn't take long for me to realize how difficult this year was going to be. In the fullness of time, God HAS been faithful- I've gained everything I've needed, but in a radically different way than I would have ever dreamed in the beginning (isn't that SO like Him?)
I've.... learned, academically and spiritually
appreciated- opportunities and relationships
become self-sufficient and independent- recognizing and responding to my needs.
become more of a woman of God than I ever thought possible in what I thought was a 'dry time'spiritually- I confused not seeing any reward for my diligence with not being fruitful........ Which He COMPLETELY was. : )
Songs that warm my heart about this topic/ today: 'Dreamer' by Bethany Dillon
'You are Loved'- Josh Groban, 'Praise You in This Storm'- Casting Crowns, 'Stop and Listen'- Bethany Dillon.....<3
And good news! The Mexico trip is all-go!! And airfare seems to be affordable... Now to write put support letters and begin daily prayer for the experience. The village folk are immensely excited for us to be coming, as are we to serve in a little under 4 months!
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thanks for sharing these thoughts, emily! beautiful song too. God-sized dreams are always worth it! and woo hoo for mexico :)